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This library of videos illustrating key concepts and lab techniques in science, engineering, and medicine helps educators worldwide achieve their strategic teaching objectives, boost student…

Most recent 2-5 years articles are not available.

JSTOR includes more than 4,600 academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. SFSU also subscribes to 80,000 eBooks, primary sources content, and millions of high quality…

Discover a wide range of journals, ebooks, and more than 5,400 Open Access research reports in the field of sustainability. The subjects of resilience and sustainability are explored broadly,…

Key Business Ratios on the Web (KBR) provides immediate online access to competitive benchmarking data. This powerful tool lets researchers examine industry benchmarks compiled from Dun &…

19th - 21st century

A database with plays written by Latin American playwrights in the 19th-21st centuries. It supports the study of American history, ethnic diversity, immigration issues, and political history.

17th century -

This collection comprises 100,000 pages of literary works, along with memoirs and essays, in their original language, by Latin American women from the colonial period in the 17th century to the…

1954 - 2015, LGBT Magazine Archive Collection 1

LGBT Magazine Archive is available for a limited time as part of Proquest's "Access and Build" program. Archival runs of many of the most influential, longest-running serial…

20th century -

LGBT Thought and Culture is available for a limited time through Proquest's Primary Source Access and Build program. It is an online resource hosting books, periodicals, and archival materials…

LGBTQ+ Source contains all of the content available in LGBT Life as well as full text for more than 140 of the most important and historically significant LGBTQ+ journals, magazines and regional…

mid-1960s -

Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Library, Information Science & Technology…

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(Academic Search Complete to Worldwide Political Science Abstracts)

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