Information for New Library Users
The J. Paul Leonard Library is located on the ground through fourth floors of the Library Building. In general, the lower floors are busier and noisier and more appropriate for groups, while the upper floors are quieter and better suited for individuals looking for a more peaceful study environment. The fifth and sixth floors house the Sutro Library, part of the California State Library.

Your Library Card
Your OneCard / SF State ID is your library card. Use your ID to check out books and to pay for printing and making copies.
Your First Trip
You've already got a paper due next week! To find books on your topic, you'll need to search OneSearch, starting with Books & Media (SF State), at top of every Library page! To find journal articles, you can also use OneSearch, or if you need to do a more focused search, select a database on your subject from the database subject list. Also, see the Finding Articles quick-guide for information on how to get started finding articles for your paper.
Research Assistance
Need help with your research for a paper or project? You can reach a librarian 24/7 via chat, text, or email. You can also stop by the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk area on the first floor to talk to a peer mentor, or call us for help.
Research Guides & Tutorials
The librarians have created a large number of research guides and tutorials that will give you helpful tips on how to do research in various subjects and for specific courses.
Computers & Printing
There are a mix of PCs and Macs for students, faculty and staff in the Study Commons, Research Commons and Digital Media Studio. We also provide both Mac and PC laptops for checkout.
Printing costs 7 cents a page and requires a OneCard / SF State ID or Guest Card. You can find printers in the Study Commons, Research Commons or Digital Media Studio, as well as in the print station rooms on the first, second, third and fourth floors.
Print Collections
The Library’s print collections, including books, magazines, journals and government publications, are either on the open shelves on the third and fourth floors or stored in the Library Retrieval System (LRS). Use OneSearch to request items stored in the LRS. Once requested, these items will be delivered to the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk on the first floor under the name you entered in the request form within 15-20 minutes when the Library is open.
Electronic Collections
We have a large and growing collection of electronic journals, articles, newspapers, ebooks, music, films and images accessible through OneSearch or Articles & Databases.
Campus instructors may place copies of articles, books, or other materials on reserve for use by students in their class. Hardcopy reserves (such as books) are kept at the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk. Electronic copies of articles and book chapters are put in the E-Reserves area of iLearn. And Media Reserves are kept in Media & Equipment Distribution on the ground floor.
Contact Us
If you have more questions, stop by the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk, call us at (415) 338-1553, or contact us electronically (chat, text, email).