Polk Gulch Gala (1971)

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 105058
KPIX-TV news footage from May 2, 1971 with reporter Christopher Chow featuring scenes from the Polk Gulch Gala in San Francisco, organized by the Polk Street Merchants Association and held on Polk Street between Sutter and Washington. Includes views of large crowds enjoying themselves and an extended voice-over narrative from Chow. Opens with views of a man playing a fiddle in the street and ends with point-of-view shots of a rock band performing, complete with "psychedelic" style, in-camera special effects. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

This 16mm reversal film print was scanned in 4K (4096 x 2970) using a Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in June 2023.
16mm newsfilm