Iranian Teachers Rally in Tehran

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 10970
Newsfilm footage from May 2nd 1961 found in the KPIX Collection featuring brief scenes of a large rally by teachers in Tehran, possibly in the Amjadiyeh Stadium (now known as the Shahid Shiroudi Stadium). Includes views of a man speaking to crowds from a podium (in Farsi) about the need to develop education in Iran and to try and expose corruption in the system. The TV Archive would like to thank Yasaman Mostoufi for describing the subject matter of this speech and identifying the city of Tehran. Movette Film Transfer of San Francisco remastered this 16mm positive film print in August 2017 in 2K resolution (2048x1556 pixels), using a Lasergraphics film scanner. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm