Search Bay Area TV Archive

Displaying 2726 - 2750 of 75585


Note: This database does not include all BATA records that have been processed and made available online. Check DIVA for additional material.


Title Film Date Film Reference Number URL
Lavery 7/19/66 KRON 1517-13
Nurses 7/19/66 KRON 1517-12
Western Packaging Exposition 7/18/66 KRON 1517-11
Stanford Research 7/18/66 KRON 1517-10
Education 7/18/66 KRON 1517-9
Track 7/18/66 KRON 1517-8
Miss California 7/18/66 KRON 1517-7
Merch Mart 7/18/66 KRON 1517-6
Foot 7/18/66 KRON 1517-5
Painters 7/18/66 KRON 1517-4
Napalm 7/18/66 KRON 1517-3
Civil Rights 7/18/66 KRON 1517-2
Jail 7/18/66 KRON 1517-1
United Nations 7/15/66 KRON 1515-19
Kerr 7/15/66 KRON 1515-18
Father Dubay 7/15/66 KRON 1515-17
DiMaggio 7/15/66 KRON 1515-16
Fielder 7/15/66 KRON 1515-15
Constitution 7/15/66 KRON 1515-14
Water Jumper 7/15/66 KRON 1515-13
Judge Maloney 7/15/66 KRON 1515-12
Machinists 7/15/66 KRON 1515-11
Houlihan 7/15/66 KRON 1515-10
Nurses 7/15/66 KRON 1515-9X
Nurses 7/15/66 KRON 1515-9