Search Bay Area TV Archive

Displaying 2801 - 2825 of 75585


Note: This database does not include all BATA records that have been processed and made available online. Check DIVA for additional material.


Title Film Date Film Reference Number URL
Parade 7/7/66 KRON 1512-8
Marathon Runners 7/7/66 KRON 1512-7
Sit-in Victims 7/7/66 KRON 1512-6
Navy Recruit 7/7/66 KRON 1512-5
CNA Nurses 7/7/66 KRON 1512-4
American Air 7/7/66 KRON 1512-3
Machinists 7/7/66 KRON 1512-2
Gunnery Boats 7/7/66 KRON 1512-1
Marriages 7/6/66 KRON 1511-20
Band 7/6/66 KRON 1511-19
Boxing 7/6/66 KRON 1511-18
Potentate 7/6/66 KRON 1511-17
Shriners 7/6/66 KRON 1511-16
Berry 7/6/66 KRON 1511-15
Enterprise 7/6/66 KRON 1511-14
Hallinan 7/6/66 KRON 1511-13
Retirement Board 7/6/66 KRON 1511-12
Tinney 7/6/66 KRON 1511-11
Karesh 7/6/66 KRON 1511-10
Shriners Band/Kron TV 7/5/66 KRON 1511-9
Bobo Olsen 7/5/66 KRON 1511-8
Bowlers 7/5/66 KRON 1511-7
Sailors 7/5/66 KRON 1511-6
Fireworks 7/5/66 KRON 1511-5
Elephant 7/5/66 KRON 1511-4