A-Z List of Databases

Displaying 31 - 40 of 246

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z
  • PsycARTICLES, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. It contains articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA), its imprint the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF), and from allied organizations…
    1894 -
  • The APA PsycInfo® database, APA renowned resource for abstracts of journal articles, book chapters, and dissertations, it is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It contains records and summaries dating as far back as the 1600s with one of the highest DOI matching rates in the publishing…
    1600 -
  • APA PsycTherapy® offers streaming psychotherapy videos that provide a gateway for students and educators to witness first-hand, proven approaches and common obstacles faced during therapy sessions. As a dynamic teaching and learning tool, APA PsycTherapy provides a rich assortment of filmed interactions between known therapists and individuals,…
  • Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective™ offers indexing for more than 1,400 periodicals—with citations to more than three million articles—this database is the perfect reference for tracking down important studies, exploring historic controversies, finding papers by innovators, researching the development of particular technologies,…
    1913 - 1983
  • The Architectural Digest Archive is an extensive collection of the famed international design magazine from its first issue in 1922 through 2011, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format. Published monthly by Condé Nast, the magazine has enjoyed a longstanding reputation as the definitive source for architects and interior designers as…
    1922 - 2011
  • The Archives of Sexuality and Gender program provides a robust and significant collection of primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century, researchers and scholars can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education,…
    1500 - 2014; Part I, II and Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
  • Art Full Text is a comprehensive resource for art information featuring full-text articles from more than 300 periodicals dating back to 1995, high-quality indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals dating as far back as 1984, including 280 peer-reviewed journals, as well as indexing and abstracting of over 13,000 art dissertations. Indexing…
    Full text 1995- ; Indexing and abstracting 1984 -
  • Art Index Retrospective:1929 -1984 provides users access to over half a century of art literature covering fine, decorative, and commercial art. Content includes high-quality indexing of nearly 600 publications, many of which are peer-reviewed, and citations of over 25,000 book reviews.
    1929 - 1984
  • This database is the only specialist bibliography available for the study of modern and contemporary art. Covers all art forms, including fine art, digital art, crafts, design and photography. Features full abstracts and indexing from art journals published from the late 1960s onwards. Also incorporates book records, including those drawn from the…
    1960 -
  • The Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1 presents a digital collection of historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture. “Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project” – from which the collections draws its content, is the largest national project ever to locate, preserve and disseminate…
    1600 -
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