Applied Science & Technology Source

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Includes: Applied Science & Technology Source; Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective: 1913-1983
Applied Science & Technology Source offers extensive coverage of research and development within the applied sciences and computing disciplines by combining high-quality databases from both EBSCO Publishing and H.W. Wilson. This premier resource offers full text for almost 1,200 journals, citations to millions of articles. The content within Applied Science & Technology Source derives from numerous sources, including leading trade journals, professional and technical society journals, and conference proceedings.

Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective™ offers indexing for more than 1,400 periodicals—with citations to more than three million articles—this database is the perfect reference for tracking down important studies, exploring historic controversies, finding papers by innovators, researching the development of particular technologies, and more.
Alt Name
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective