A-Z List of Databases

Displaying 61 - 70 of 246

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z
  • This digital resource showcases a broad range of richly illustrated primary source material which reveals the history and literature of childhood between the 1820s and 1920s.
    It contains rare books, games, ephemera, and artwork from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that reveals the socio-cultural history of these times.…
    1820 - 1920
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education provides access to Chronicle.com daily news, data, and analysis of current issues faced by universities dating back to 1989. In addition, SFSU users have access to special issues like the Almanac of Higher Education and The Trends Report, daily and weekly newsletters with the creation of a free account, virtual…
    1989 -
  • Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is the world’s largest online resource of documents and articles devoted to research, analysis, and scholarship on international politics and related fields, including security studies, global finance, diplomatic practice, humanitarian law, global governance, development studies, and environmental…
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text is a robust collection of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 770 journals indexed in CINAHL®. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. CINAHL Plus with Full Text is the core research tool for all…
    1937 -
  • The Cochrane library includes reliable evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews, clinical trials, and more. Cochrane reviews bring you the combined results of the world's best medical research studies, and are recognized as the gold standard in evidence-based health care.
  • CollegeSource Online is a database of over 180,000 digital college catalogs, institution profiles, transcript keys, and other resources.
  • Communication Source offers content from publications worldwide pertaining to Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric and Discourse, Speech-Language Pathology, Media Studies and other fields relevant to the discipline. Communication Source is the most comprehensive resource on the market for communication research. Communication Source was developed…
    1901 -
  • Ei Compendex is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world with over 22 million indexed records from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. Every record is carefully selected and indexed using the Engineering Index Thesaurus so engineers can be confident information is relevant, complete,…
    1884 -
  • CountryWatch provides critical country-specific intelligence and data to a global audience including public and private sector organizations with overseas operations and global interests. CountryWatch team has created the entire suite of products covering demographic, political, economic, business, cultural and environmental subject matter.
    One year for news; five years for statistics, generally
  • CQ Researcher provides major issues from current and historical perspectives and the inner workings of the U.S. government from authoritative, accessible, and unbiased sources. It offers original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. CQ Researcher is noted for its award-winning in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social…
    1991 -
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z

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