Articles, Magazines & Journal Collection
The Library provides access to a vast amount of information typically found in scholarly and popular journals, magazines, newspapers, and other information sources. Most of this information is available electronically, but some is available only in print or on microfiche or microfilm. For more information, please refer to the Library's Collection Development Policy.
Using the Collection
Electronic copies of articles and other materials can be read online and in some cases downloaded. Use your University ID and password for off-campus access. Print and microforms are kept on the Library's third floor. To check out materials, take them to the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk on the first floor.
- Finding
- Borrowing
- Overdue Fees
- Off-campus Access to Electronic Resources
- Can't Find What You're Looking For?
Types of Information
Types of information found in this collection include:
- Articles (peer-reviewed, scholarly, popular)
- Biographies
- Book and film reviews
- Encyclopedia and almanacs
- Maps and atlases
- Music and audio collections
- Newspapers and news stories
- Statistical and numerical data
- Still and moving image collections
Microfiche / Microfilm
Microforms (microfiche and microfilm) contain miniaturized images of pages from printed text, such as archival documents, newspapers, magazines, journals, and books, which can be read using a special reader.
Titles with location "Microfiche/film (3rd Floor or Library Retrieval System)” may be found in cabinets on the third floor surrounding the elevator lobby. Otherwise, use the Microform Request Form to get help retrieving your item, which you can then pick up at the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk.
A microfiche and microfilm reader that can also scan to USB and print is located on the first floor across from the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk.
Contact Information
For subject-specific collection questions, contact a liaison librarian.