Search Bay Area TV Archive

Displaying 73426 - 73450 of 75585


Note: This database does not include all BATA records that have been processed and made available online. Check DIVA for additional material.


Title Film Date Film Reference Number URL
E-w Practice 12/26/57 KPIX 2728
E. 14th Flood 8/27/58 KPIX 3733
Earth Mover 9/18/58 KPIX 3812
Easter Bunny 4/4/58 KPIX 3136
Easter Egg Rc; BELATED EASTER HUNT BR 4/14/58 KPIX 3153
Eastr Seal Kickoff 3/11/57 KPIX 1157
Eastshore 901 Crane (neg) 7/3/57 KPIX 2618
Ebay Hosp Strike 8/21/58 KPIX 3708
Ebay Mammoth Tusk 6/14/11 KPIX 2296
Ebay Rest Strike 7/17/11 KPIX 688
Eccles 1/2/58 KPIX 2755
Eclipse 11/7/11 KPIX 2374
Ed Furgol 6/1/55 KPIX 233
Edcutu Wk Shermen 24 Apr KPIX 501
Crocker-anglo Holdup 1/17/58 KPIX 2805
Crocket - Earth Slide 2/20/58 KPIX 2952
Crop Duster; PLANE CRASH 4/21/58 KPIX 3194
Crown-zell Rido 7/16/11 KPIX 724
Crocker Oak Bank 1/29/58 KPIX 3167
Crusade Kick-off 10/1/11 KPIX 789
Crusade Pick-off 9/20/57 KPIX 2315
Crusade Report; LUNCH-DENNIS DAY 11/20/57 KPIX 2496
Crusader Arrives; MOFFETT FIELD KPIX 2637
Cstms Actn 4/10/57 KPIX 1296
Cstms Actn 4/10/57 KPIX 1296