Search Bay Area TV Archive
Displaying 72676 - 72700 of 75585
Note: This database does not include all BATA records that have been processed and made available online. Check DIVA for additional material.
Title | Film Date | Film Reference Number | URL |
Marin Dump | 12/12/57 | KPIX 2678 | |
Marin House Burning; BENNT | 4/7/58 | KPIX 3121 | |
Marin Kidnapper Bogus Sheck | 12/10/57 | KPIX 2663 | |
Marin Narco | 10/10/57 | KPIX 2299 | |
Marin Narco | 10/10/57 | KPIX 2299 | |
Marin Rescue | 7/22/57 | KPIX 2633 | |
Marin Senior Citizens | 8/29/57 | KPIX 2139 | |
Marine Frmn Bldg; ET-HURLY BURLY | 5/27/57 | KPIX 2214 | |
Marine Launch | 7/29/58 | KPIX 3620 | |
Marine Show | 11/7/58 | KPIX 3994 | |
Marine Xching | 11/12/57 | KPIX 2469 | |
Mariposa | 3-Oct | KPIX 809 | |
Mariposa | 17-Oct | KPIX 978 | |
Maritime Feat | 5/15/56 | KPIX 508 | |
Marjorie King | 8/22/58 | KPIX 3716 | |
Market Dirt | 12/8/55 | KPIX 610 | |
Lineup Opng | 5/2/58 | KPIX 3256 | |
Lion | 2/25/58 | KPIX 2974 | |
Lion Hunt | 10/28/55 | KPIX 441 | |
Lions | 6/28/57 | KPIX 2440 | |
Lions Practicing | 12/20/57 | KPIX 2711 | |
Liq Carb Deduction | 8/14/58 | KPIX 3685 | |
Lita Lord | 7/13/58 | KPIX 3550 | |
Lita Loro | 10/24/58 | KPIX 3944 | |
Lita's Letter | 7/9/58 | KPIX 3538 |