Search Bay Area TV Archive

Displaying 3401 - 3425 of 75585


Note: This database does not include all BATA records that have been processed and made available online. Check DIVA for additional material.


Title Film Date Film Reference Number URL
Castro Valley 4/6/66 KRON 1469-9
Krips/Symphony 4/6/66 KRON 1469-8
Fillerup 4/6/66 KRON 1469-7
Marchers 4/6/66 KRON 1469-6
Topping Out 4/5/66 KRON 1469-5
Bennett 4/5/66 KRON 1469-4
Painter/Lynch 4/5/66 KRON 1469-3
Marin City Residents Meet Marin County Supervisors (KRON-TV) 4/5/66 KRON 1469-2
Murder/Debate 4/5/66 KRON 1469-1A
Murder 4/5/66 KRON 1469-1
Easter Seals 4/4/66 KRON 1468-11
6th Army 4/4/66 KRON 1468-10
Anti-Poverty 4/4/66 KRON 1468-9
Unruh 4/4/66 KRON 1468-8
Fowler 4/4/66 KRON 1468-7
Spears 4/4/66 KRON 1468-6
McCarthy 4/4/66 KRON 1468-5
Supervisors 4/4/66 KRON 1468-4
Houlihan 4/4/66 KRON 1468-3
Cow Palace 4/2/66 KRON 1468-2
CRA 4/2/66 KRON 1468-1
Doda, UC [MISSING] 3/31/66 KRON 1467-9
All-American 3/31/66 KRON 1467-8
Weather 3/31/66 KRON 1467-7
Mathias 3/31/66 KRON 1467-6