Search Bay Area TV Archive

Displaying 2601 - 2625 of 75585


Note: This database does not include all BATA records that have been processed and made available online. Check DIVA for additional material.


Title Film Date Film Reference Number URL
Nurses 8/3/66 KRON 1524-3
Milpitas 8/3/66 KRON 1524-2
SF Slasher 8/3/66 KRON 1524-1
Jefferey 8/5/66 KRON 1525-11
Herrington 8/5/66 KRON 1525-10
Dallas Cowboys 8/5/66 KRON 1525-9
Rev. Abbe 8/5/66 KRON 1525-8
Baptism Jehovah 8/5/66 KRON 1525-7
Jerry Supersonic Special 8/5/66 KRON 1525-6
Burton/Clean 8/5/66 KRON 1525-5
CNA Nurses 8/5/66 KRON 1525-4
Army Engineers 8/5/66 KRON 1525-3
TWU-IAM Pickets 8/5/66 KRON 1525-2
Murder 8/5/66 KRON 1525-1
Brodie 8/2/66 KRON 1523-16
Painters 8/2/66 KRON 1523-15
Pigeons 8/2/66 KRON 1523-14
VDC 8/2/66 KRON 1523-13
Carberry 8/2/66 KRON 1523-12
Federal Building (Anti-Vietnam Pickets) 8/2/66 KRON 1523-11
Lynch 8/2/66 KRON 1523-10
Corbett 8/2/66 KRON 1523-9
Nurses 8/2/66 KRON 1523-8X
Nurses 8/2/66 KRON 1523-8
Myra 8/1/66 KRON 1523-7