Search Bay Area TV Archive

Displaying 75101 - 75125 of 75581


Note: This database does not include all BATA records that have been processed and made available online. Check DIVA for additional material.


Title Film Date Film Reference Number URL
Porno Initiative Debate - includes Reagan and Brown 1966 KTVU 25-8
Anti War Protest at Draft Center in San Francisco c1967 KTVU 26-1
Playland vandalized, man attacked c1967 KTVU 26-10
Interview with Harold Brooks at Bayview Community Center c1967 KTVU 26-11
Kids, teacher c1967 KTVU 26-12
Gerald Ford - Powell re elect c1967 KTVU 26-13
Mayor John Shelley Addresses African American Community 1966 KTVU 26-14
Indonesian Wife (Sukharno?) c1967 KTVU 26-15
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza c1967 KTVU 26-16
San Francisco Tax Protest c1967 KTVU 26-17
Vacaville Prison Interview - medical facility c1967 KTVU 26-18
Stop Draft Week - burn draft papers c1967 KTVU 26-19
Poster Shop San Francisco - Karma Sutra c1967 KTVU 26-2
Oakland Welcomes Duke Ellington c1967 KTVU 26-20
Oakland - new street signs c1967 KTVU 26-21
Lafayette Reservoir c1967 KTVU 26-22
Happy 9th Anniversary KTVU Mar-67 KTVU 26-23
Shirley Temple at her door c1967 KTVU 26-24
Reagan at Oakland airport - budget cuts c1967 KTVU 26-25
San Quentin c1967 KTVU 26-26
Pat Brown - California mental program c1967 KTVU 26-27
James L. Farmer Speech at UC Berkeley c1967 KTVU 26-3
Phil Burton - Mental Health Cutbacks c1967 KTVU 26-4
H. Rap Brown on Non-Violence, Self Defense & Freedom c1967 KTVU 26-5
SNCC Office has been rifled c1967 KTVU 26-6