Interview with Harold Brooks at Bayview Community Center

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KTVU 26-11
KTVU News report by Carlton Cordell from c1967 in San Francisco featuring an interview with Executive Director of the Bayview Community Center Harold Brooks. He is asked to reflect on what progess has been made one year after the neighborhood's social uprising in October 1966 and states: "Well above the efforts of the people in the community themselves ? the only thing that has happened is a lot of talk and a minimum of positive action." He goes on to point out that: "The building [the community center] is in very bad shape because most of the equipment and things was damaged in the disturbance and very little of it has been replaced since that time." When Cordell asks about the jobs that were supposedly created after the social uprising Brooks declares that: "Most of those jobs were meaningless because there was no preparation for the young people. The employers didn't understand them and the young people were trying to adjust to a new situation." Ends with silent views shot inside the community center.