World Premiere of 'Point Blank' at Northpoint Theater

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 33283
KPIX-TV news footage from August 30th 1967 featuring brief scenes from a gala ceremony at the Northpoint Theater on Powell Street in San Francisco, for the world premiere of the movie 'Point Blank'. Includes views of people screaming in the crowds outside, of VIP guests arriving and of actor Lee Marvin (1924-1987) sitting down. The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper from that day stated on page 44 how this gala was due to begin at 7:45pm and the movie screening itself at 8:30pm. The Chronicle also features an article on p.44 about Lee Marvin by Jane Wilson titled 'The Reality Behind the Image of a Hollywood Star'.

Note that Movette Film Transfer of San Francisco remastered a 16mm positive print of this film in September 2019 in 2K resolution (2048x1556 pixels), using a Lasergraphics film scanner. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm