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A 1978 documentary film produced and directed by David Ludwig, Duncan Sutherland and Karen Sutherland featuring the journey of author and performance poet Bud Kenny (1948-2019), who walked across America with a pack pony and dog from 1974-1977. Kenny walked over 8000 miles over 3 1/2 years and his route took him from eastern Pennsylvania, through the northern states to the Oregon Coast, then southward and finally east to his mother's home in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Kenny explains: "I'm taking that time out of my life to see what's really going on in America. To see what people have to say. To get a feeling of what ... are Americans really doing." This film was edited by David Ludwig and the music is by Paul Flowerman. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
Thanks to David Ludwig for allowing us to stream this documentary online and to the Bay Area Video Coalition for digitizing the 3/4-inch Umatic tape master, from which this mp4 screener is derived.
Thanks to David Ludwig for allowing us to stream this documentary online and to the Bay Area Video Coalition for digitizing the 3/4-inch Umatic tape master, from which this mp4 screener is derived.
3/4-inch umatic videotape
Creative Light Productions