Senator Robert Kennedy Visits Hunters Point

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KTVU 14-2
KTVU news footage from May 10th 1967 featuring scenes of US Senators Robert Kennedy and George Murphy describing their impressions of housing in San Francisco's Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood as they walk along a street. Continues with views from a public US Senate Committee hearing about the relative impact of the Federal Poverty Program on Bay Area communities, at the Bayview Community Center on Third Street in San Francisco. Featuring testimony by representatives of Bayview Hunters Point, including Osceola Washington, Harold Brooks and Suzanne Cook. Oakland's Mayor John Reading and San Francisco's Mayor John Shelley also answer questions. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

Note that footage from this hearing on Third Street can be seen in the KPIX, KRON and KQED collections streaming in DIVA.
16mm newsfilm