Robert Kennedy Assassinated, Part II

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KTVU 15-5.2
KTVU news footage from 1968 featuring scenes from Robert Kennedy's Presidential campaigning in the Bay Area, which was assembled following his assassination on June 6th, in Los Angeles. Includes scenes of Kennedy being welcomed by supporters at an airport, greeting huge crowds from a motorcade in downtown San Francisco and speaking about "the new politics" at the San Francisco Press Club, which he defines as being a "reaffirmation of the best within our great political tradition." Ends with brief, close up views of Kennedy making a speech in front of many microphones, in which he quotes Albert Camus: "Perhaps this world is a world in which children suffer. But we can lessen the number of suffering children. And if you do not do this then who will do this?" He concludes this address by saying: "I ask the same question of all of you. Thank you very much."
16mm newsfilm