Mounting Pressure To Release Iranian Students

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KPIX 102472
KPIX-TV news footage from June 30th 1970 with reporter Ben Williams featuring a student demonstration near the Iranian consulate in San Francisco. The protesters chanting "Down with the Shah" were demanding the freedom of the 41 Iranian students who were arrested on June 5th for storming the Iranian consulate in order to protest the Shah of Iran's brutal regime. The incident coincided with a visit from the Shah's sister, Ashraf Pahlavi, to San Francisco. An Iranian student demonstrator explains in an interview that the 41 who were arrested were in front of the consulate peacefully and were asking for an interview with the Shah's sister regarding Iran's political repression and especially regarding a number of arrests that had recently taken place of political activists and ethnic minorities such as the Kurds. Thanks to Hamed Eghbal for providing this text description, in collaboration with SFSU's Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm