Minority Police Recruitment Press Conference (1972)

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 107841
KPIX-TV news footage from March 14 1972 featuring brief scenes from a press conference at the Jones Methodist Church at 1795 Post Street in San Francisco, with leaders of a new group called Concerned Citizens For Minority Police Recruitment. As Vice President of the NAACP Bill Middleton states: "There's a question with the community and especially the minority community is who shall wear the badge?" He is seen with Rev. Hannibal Williams (Pastor of the New Liberation Presbyterian Church) and Rev. W. Lewis Smith, talking about how the community might help to encourage hiring of ethnic minorities into the polcie force. Note that basic details about this meeting can be found on p.5 of the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper from their March 15 1972 edition, in a story titled: "More Minority SF Cops Urged." As of March 2021, SFPD stated that over 52% of it's 2222 members were non-white.

This film reversal print was re-transferred in 4K (4096 x 2970) using our Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in April 2021.
16mm newsfilm