Marvin Moore remembers Walter Harris

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KRON 5462-6
KRON-TV news footage from March 14, 1980 featuring an interview with boxing trainer Marvin Moore at Newman's Gym in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood. Moore was the manager of light heavyweight boxer Walter Harris, who was killed today when the IL-62 jetliner he was a passenger on crashed near Warsaw's Okecie Airport, in Poland. Harris was a member of the US Olympic boxing team and Moore describes how he became his trainer: "In that amount of time, we were together 4 years, it was like he was sort of my adopted son." When asked to sum up what people thought of Walter Harris, a visibly upset Moore replies: "I would say that he was a gentleman." Harris was originally born in Mississippi, moved to San Francisco when he was 7 and grew up in the Sunnydale housing project, near Cow Palace. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

Note: this film reversal print was scanned in 4K (4096 x 2970) using our Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in June 2024
16mm color reversal print, with co-magnetic soundtrack