Marin City Residents Meet Marin County Supervisors (KRON-TV)

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KRON 1469-2
KRON-TV news footage from April 5th 1966 with reporter Jerry Jensen at Marin County Civic Center in San Rafael, where Supervisors are listening to Marin City residents describe their living conditions and social grievances. This meeting was held in response to prolonged social unrest in Marin City, caused by issues of racism, high unemployment (54% according to a Congress of Racial Equality survey) and the community's belief they are being ignored. One resident states: "The white community in Marin County knows nothing of Marin City, except for what they read in the paper. And what does the paper tell em? I mean I could ... a white man could slap me and I knock his brains out. The white paper's gonna say I did it. I did it! I started it and everything, it was on me. And why: because I'm black! But I don't care if I am black, I am a man and I am human. And I feel the same things that you feel. Only I feel em worse because I've lived under this. What would you do, if you had to live under what I live under?" Sheriff Louis P. Mountanos emphasizes that stoning and shooting at public servants is not the answer. Ends with silent views of various groups talking with each other. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm
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