Marilyn Chambers Press Conference on 'Behind the Green Door'

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 112523
KPIX-TV Eyewitness news footage from June 6th 1973 featuring brief scenes from a press conference by actress Marilyn Chambers (1952-2009), who is responding to local censorship in Hayward of her film Behind the Green Door, produced in San Francisco by Artie and Jim Mitchell. She states: "The Chief of police or it's officers or the District Attorney in Hayward are not the judges of my work. Why don't they want Behind the Green Door shown? Are they afraid of honesty in sexual matters? Would that destroy their community?" She goes onto declare that: "It is time for Hayward to join the Twentieth Century and hope that my film Behind the Green Door will help it do so." Note that this clip follows the press conference up till it's end. Film Reference Number KRON 3348-8 in DIVA features earlier sections of Chambers's comments. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm