Lesbian mother battles for custody of children in Sonoma County

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 114326
KPIX news footage from October 3, 1973 with reporter Andrew Hill featuring an interview with Carol Parrott of Sonoma County, who is battling for custody of her daughters after she claims authorities removed them because of her sexual orientation as a lesbian. Parrot explains how: "One judge has said to me that he will not allow me to have my children unless I change my ways. And I think that's prejudice." She goes onto reflect on the unfairness of this situation: "Let us prove that we can make something of ourselves besides being, you know, pushed aside and unseen and unheard and - I don't know - just everybody it seems wants to push the gay world out of their lives. But you know gay mothers have love for their children and they most certainly want ... thier children with them." Includes views inside Parrot's home. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

This 16mm film print was remastered in 4K (4096 x 2970) using a Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in May 2021.

Note that Parrott eventually lost custody of her children in 1974, with the trial judge emphasizing that: "The girls, who are 9 1/2 and almost 11 years of age, are approaching a particularly sensitive period in their lives with respect to their emotional and physical development, and the mother's unconventional sexual relationship becomes of particular significance at this point in their lives." -'The Custody Crucible: The Development of Scientific Authority About Gay and Lesbian Parents', by Marie-Amélie George in 'Law and History Review' Vol. 34, No.2 (May 2016), p.502.
16mm newsfilm