City Hall Demonstrations (1960)

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KRON 531
KRON-TV news coverage from San Francisco City Hall on May 13th 1960 of the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings and protests against them. Features an interview with Congressman Edwin E. Willis (1904-1972) and views of several different people testifying before the committee including Douglas Wachter and Merle Brodsky. Also includes scenes of people singing the Star Spangled Banner at the hearing before being seized by police. Longshoreman Archie Brown shouts at the committee: "What are you hiding let the people in let them hear!" As Brown is dragged out by the police he yells: "Here comes the goon squad! This is Americanism. Watch this Americanism in action!" Begins and ends with silent views of protestors against HUAC both inside and outside City Hall. Also see KPIX news report Reference No. KPIX 102082 for Ch. 5's coverage of the same proceedings.