Kathleen Cleaver press conference after husband's disappearance

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Film Reference Number
KRON 136-1
KRON-TV silent archival newsfilm footage of a vigil in support of Eldridge Cleaver that took place outside the Cleavers' home on 2777 Pine Street in San Francisco on November 20th 1968. Demonstrators display signs that read "On watch against murder by police" and "Eldridge creates love and brotherhood among all peoples / Hands off Eldridge!" For additional footage of the Cleaver vigil please see also report reference number KRON 136-2. Also features archival newsfilm footage from the State Building in San Francisco on November 27th 1968 featuring a press conference given by Black Panther Party lawyer Charles Garry and Kathleen Cleaver upon Eldridge Cleaver's failure to make a court appearance. Garry and Mrs. Cleaver answer reporters questions about the case and upon being asked whether Mr. Garry would like to make a plea for Mr. Cleaver to turn himself in Garry replies: "No I won't make any plea. My relationship with Eldridge and the Panthers has been that I carry out my legal responsibilities and they carry out their political responsibilities. I don't superimpose my white background to tell a black militant how he should conduct himself or comport himself. That's not my prerogative. These men and women are responsible. They have intelligence far beyond my own comprehension about the problems they're faced with and they make their own decisions. They make their own decisions and their own counseling and they don't need my advice." Also features an interview with Phil Guthrie the Information Officer for the Department of Corrections who announces that he has instructions to continue waiting for Mr. Cleaver for no more than an hour after which an All Points bulletin will be issued for Mr. Cleaver thereby officially making him fugitive. Remastered edited and catalogued for the web by Shira Peltzman. Acquired in 2012 from former KRON film editor David Webb Peoples.
16mm newsfilm