Hunters Point - Inchon Village Condo Project

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 140077
KPIX Eyewitness News report from April 20th 1978 in San Francisco featuring scenes of people inspecting the Inchon Village Condo project at Bayview Hunters Point. These new residencies were recycled from old navy buildings that used to house African American shipyard workers who emigrated to the Bay Area during World War II. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Patricia R. Harris explains that the condos will be available to a few low and moderate income tenants through "assistance" but are mostly being marketed to middle income families in the private sector who are able to purchase them as homeowners. Please note that in the original KPIX-TV shot log this item was labelled as: "HUD Housing: HUD Sec. Patricia Harris was in SF today to look to look at a Hunters Pt. condominium project / the Govt is putting over $1 million to refurbish the vacant apts."
16mm newsfilm