Video Cassette Machine at Tower Records

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 111314
KPIX Eyewitness News report from March 3rd 1973 by Bill Hillman at Tower Records in San Francisco which is demonstrating music videos of The Beatles and Shanti (referred to as "video rock n roll"). Includes views of the equipment and scenes of people sharing their initial reactions to this new technology (which isn't for sale yet). Hillman interviews a man who works in the video cassette industry and reflects that: "The video cassette industry is still an infant. But there are those who expect it to grow rapidly and become a healthy youngster. In that case the time may be close at hand when the nation's parents will find themselves watching The Beatles as well as listening to them." A handwritten note on the demo unit prices the player only at $995 (which would be the approximate equivalent of $5000 in 2011).
16mm newsfilm