Indians removed from Alcatraz, Part I

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Film Reference Number
KPIX 105401-1
KPIX's Belva Davis reports from Alcatraz on June 11th 1971 where American Indian activists have just been removed from the island by armed Federal authorities. Includes extensive views of Alcatraz a press conference held by Federal representatives and interviews with the Indians who describe first hand accounts of their arrest. When asked by a reporter to verify if the government's claim they were forced to intervene because of the theft of copper wire and to repair the lighthouse is true John Trudell replies: "We were negotiating with the government on the quiet and the meetings started April 13th of this year. And they guaranteed us during these meetings that there would be no arrests and no one would be taken off the island ... until negotiations were completed. And they broke their word on it." Also includes brief scenes of Yvonne Oakes (Richard Oakes's step daughter) climbing on a concrete wall. She died after a fall on the island in January 1970.
16mm newsfilm