Joan Baez on hippies, taxes and visit to Japan

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 30520
KPIX-TV news footage from 2/28/1967 featuring scenes of Joan Baez being interviewed by reporter Belva Davis and talking about: her recent visit to Japan; anti war comments; hippies and pacifism and non payment of taxes. Also includes views from a press conference with Baez, in which she explains how an interpreter in Nagasaki (Japan) was reluctant to translate some of the things she was saying onstage. Note that she is sat next to Ira Sandperl during this press conference. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
The material in this clip was sourced from both KPIX 30520 and KPIX 30527, which was broadcast on 3/1/1967 but contains footage from the same film shoot.
16mm newsfilm