Jane Fonda denounces the Thieu regime in Saigon

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 114102
KPIX-TV news footage from September 18 1973 with reporter Christopher Chow featuring brief scenes from a press conference with actress and political activist Jane Fonda, who is denouncing President Nixon's continued support for President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's regime in South Vietnam. Speaking at Glide Church, at the start of a 15-State protest road show, she states: "We are supporting with our tax money a government which assassinates more people. more of its own civilians than any other government in the world. Avowedly so. The Saigon Ministry of Information last year reported that in the last 4 years it has killed without trial 50,000 of its own civilians." There are also views of Chow inspecting a "tiger cage" outside and an interview with a spokeswoman for Thiệu, who claims that opponents of the regime in South Vietnam are not so badly oppressed. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

Note: this film reversal print was re-transferred in 4K (4096 x 2970) using our Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in March 2021.
16mm newsfilm