Iranian Visit To Nalline Clinic

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 5919
KPIX-TV silent news footage from July 20th 1959 featuring a man with a mustache walking in front of a sign that reads "Nalline Clinic." Another shot shows him with another man carefully looking at a woman being analyzed by someone. It appears she is being examined while a white strip is being held next to her face. The Nalline clinics were set up to test people for narcotics addiction and this San Francisco clinic was opened on July 16th 1959, accoding to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper. The original KPIX news shot log titled this clip as "Iranian Nalline" and we speculate that this news report covered a visit to the clinic by an Iranian, on behalf of the Iranian authorities. Thanks to Hamed Eghbal for providing this text description, in collaboration with SFSU's Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm