Iranian Demonstration To Support Khosro Kalantari

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 34955
KPIX-TV news footage from March 21st 1968 with reporter Pat O'Brien featuring demonstrators affiliated with Iranian Students. They are chanting "Hands off Kalantari", holding signs such as "Freedom for foreign students" and supporting Khosro Kalantari, who faces potential deportation. The footage also features an interview with a man who appears to be an American official commenting on the matter. He asserts that the State Department has issued letters to the Immigration Services that Iranian students are not subject to persecution in Iran. Another interview shows Khalantari expressing his views on the matter by declaring that Iranian students should not be suppressed when expressing their political views. The Iranian consulate had originally refused to renew Kalantari's passport in a 1965 application but officials in Washington DC mistakenly approved the request, which led to this situation in 1968. Thanks to Hamed Eghbal for providing this text description, in collaboration with SFSU's Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm