Iranian Student Convention at Oakland Auditorium (1978)

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 142596
KPIX News report from December 26th 1978 with Ben Williams, featuring views from an annual convention of Iranian students at the Oakland Auditorium: "To plan oposition to the policies of the Shah of Iran." Includes views of the convention hall and an interview with one student official, who states that: "Millions of people in Iran are hitting the streets. Sacrificing their lives and - you know - very gladly giving away whatever they have in order to win independence and democracy. And at the same time the Shah's regime, along with the help of the big business and corporation owners of the United States and the U.S. government are strongly trying to prevent that." Movette Film Transfer of San Francisco remastered this 16mm positive film print in August 2017 in 2K resolution (2048x1556 pixels), using a Lasergraphics film scanner. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
16mm newsfilm