HUAC Hearing at San Francisco City Hall (1960)

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KPIX 102082
KPIX News report from San Francisco City Hall on May 13th 1960 featuring the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearing and the riot which followed. Includes scenes of people shouting: "Open the doors and get out the state!" and singing the Star Spangled Banner at the hearing before being seized by police. Longshoreman Archie Brown yells out: "Here comes the goon squad. This is Americanism. Watch this Americanism in action ... Oh No!" Ends with (silent) views of police turning fire hoses on protestors dragging people outside and making arrests and cleaners mopping up water from the marble steps. Please note: much of this newsfilm was silent and audio levels were also low on the remaining magnetic soundtrack.
16mm newsfilm