People's 5: Gay Power

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Emmys 47
KPIX's Emmy Award winning People's 5 report with Don Knapp from November 24th 1979 on the lifestyle and and political ambitions of the gay community in San Francisco. Opens with street scenes in the Castro neighborhood and an interview with Cleve Jones who discusses the potential influence of the gay community on local politics and voting trends. Several lesbians (including Ann Kronenberg) describe the challenges they face being accepted in society and also explain how their priorities and life experiences diverge from those of gay men. Also includes footage from 1978 of a spirited debate between Harvey Milk and John Briggs hosted by Richard Hart in which they clash over issues relating to Proposition 6 and the rights of gays and lesbians to teach in classrooms. San Francisco's mayor George Moscone is seen briefly playing basketball in 1978 and discussing what he considers to be appropriate behavior for politicians. Ends with views of a candlelight march from the Castro to City Hall on November 27th 1979 to remember Milk and Moscone on the first anniversary of their murders.
3/4 inch U-matic video tape