Women Firefighters in San Francisco (1984)

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Emmys 230
KQED local Emmy Award winning report from April 25th 1984 on a city funded training program designed to produce San Francisco's first women firefighters. Includes interviews with firemen who object to the positive discrimination of "selective certification" one of whom claims: "These women everything's going to take a little bit longer for them to perform and it's the difference - a couple of seconds - between saving someone's life and losing it." Several women recruits are shown training and describing their attempts to overcome what they feel is sexual discrimination: "If I can do it I will know and I'm not gonna go out there ... on the streets fighting fires if I honestly don't believe I can do it. I think a lot of the women might feel the same way." Also includes interviews with: Robert Demmons; Carlotta Del Portillo; Jim Ferguson; Taylor Evans and Emmet Condon.
3/4" U-matic video tape