Bobby Seale on guns

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Film Date
Film Reference Number
KTVU 30-5
KTVU news footage from March 3 1968 featuring brief scenes from a press conference by co-founder of the Black Panther Party Bobby Seale, who comments on purchasing weapons out of state and police accusations that Panther members are stockpiling "arsenals." He goes onto point out: "They're raising a ruckus about black people having guns. Why don't they raise a ruckus about the racists who've had guns for over a 100 years and been using them against us - black people, in our communities murdering and lynching us?" Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

This film reversal print was remastered in 4K (4096 x 2970) using a Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in May 2022.
16mm newsfilm