Blacks, Blues, Black! Episode 9 [violence]

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KQ 1018
Episode 9 of a 10-part TV series made by Dr. Maya Angelou for KQED in 1968 called Blacks Blues Black! which examines the influence of African American culture on modern American society. Includes scenes of Dr. Angelou in the studio reflecting on "violence in the black American world." She declares that: "I dedicate this program to the memory of Malcolm X Martin Luther King Denmark Vesey ... to Dr. DuBois ... to the men and women who are nameless ... whose blood whose agony we inherit." Also features views of Dr. Angelou touring the Watts neighborhood in Los Angeles with Mary Jane Hewitt looking for evidence of "gains" and positive developments since the 1965 social uprising there which she states: "represented a people a race fighting for survival." Dr. Angelou screens still and moving images of violence committed by and against African Americans in the Twentieth Century throughout this episode and also part of a speech by Stokely Carmichael at a Black Panther rally in Oakland. This episode was written and produced by Dr. Maya Angelou and directed by Robert Hagopian. We'd like to thank KQED WNET and the Library of Congress for collaborating with the TV Archive in making this series available. WNET deposited 2-inch video masters of 'Blacks Blues Black!' with the Library of Congress. The Library's Recording Laboratory remastered these 2-inch tapes onto digital QuickTime masters and copyright holder KQED agreed to let us stream the compressed screener footage in DIVA. The TV Archive provided funding and coordination for this project.
2-inch Quad videotape