Bess 'Rosie Radiator' Bair tap dances across Golden Gate Bridge (1976)

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Film Reference Number
KRON 4345-11
KRON-TV news footage from September 6, 1976 with reporter Jeannine Yeomans featuring scenes of Bess Bair - aka Rosie Radiator - tap dancing with her dog Lulu southbound across Golden Gate Bridge on Labor Day. A dance and car mechanic instructor at the Mission District's Project Two, Bess expalins to Yeomans that she's doing this to honor her grandmother Bess Hensley Hartsook, who was crowned "Miss Liberty" of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in 1915. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

We'd like to thank Jason Bezis for suggesting that we search for this particular newsfilm report.

Note: this 16mm film print was transferred in 4K (4096 x 2970) using a Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in January 2022.

16mm color reversal print, with co-magnetic soundt