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A segment from the c.1985 debut episode of KTVU's Assignment Two program, produced by Johnny Barnes Selvin, featuring the work of American motorcycle designer Arlen Ness (1939-2019), referred to as: "King of the motorcycles." Includes scenes of Ness working on motorcycles at home and driving to his motorcycle accessory store at 15997 East 14th Street, in San Leandro. When asked to characterize the trademark style of his work, Ness explains: "My bikes have a lower look to 'em, a lower center of gravity. Longer chassis and shorter forks and different paint schemes. And lotta people can tell a Ness bike, just when they see it in a magazine, without even our name on it." Ends with views of Ness taking Selvin for a ride on the back of his latest creation. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
3/4-inch umatic videotape
Fox Television Stations, LLC/KTVU