Jamie Lamberti
( She/Her/Hers )Circulation Services
Access Services
How I Can Help
You can find me at the Book Checkout & Pickup Desk. I am happy to help with borrowing and requesting materials, library accounts, course reserves, and fines and fees. I work closely with the Peer Mentors and the Student Success & Engagement Team to provide basic research assistance.
Email is the best way to be in touch.
Ask Me About
- Library cards
- Circulation policies
- Harry Potter
- Lego
Research and Publications
Guidara, A. & Lamberti, J. (2024, May 16). To Batch or Not to Batch: Evaluating ASRS Batched Items [Conference session]. Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Maxwell, J., Rusk, F., Nielsen, J., Guidara, A., Borges, E. & Lamberti, J. (2023). Pursuing Student Success in the Library: a Case Study in Peer Mentor Program Transition, Training and Engagement. Reference services review: RSR. 51(2), 91–104. https://doi-org.jpllnet.sfsu.edu/10.1108/RSR-09-2022-0047
Guidara, A. & Lamberti, J. (2023, May 11). Using Alma to Creatively Solve ASRS-Related Problems [Conference session]. Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
CSU ULMS Fulfillment Functional Committee (2017–2021)