Justin Littlebit crosses Golden Gate Bridge with Dandy Cody

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Film Reference Number
KRON 1246-11
KRON-TV news footage from October 9, 1964 featuring scenes of Houston, TX cowboy Justin LittleBit (Richard Lee Zollner) walking across Golden Gate Bridge with his horse six-year old bay gelding Dandy Cody, at the end of an epic 6,000-mile journey: from Houston to San Francisco. Includes views of bridge director Stephan Leonoudakis making a speech and of Dandy Cody being presented with a horsehoe of carnations. Leonoudakis explains that the bridge toll for LittleBit and his horse has been set at a total of 30 cents, which they are covering and goes onto suggest that this: "Will undoubtedly be the only official, legal passage of a horse and horseman over the Golden Gate Bridge in the history of the bridge ... and we're happy to participate in this event with you!" The California Highway Patrol had initially denied LittleBit permission to ride Dandy Cody across the bridge when they arrived at the span, on September 29. Under intense media spotlight, LittleBit camped at the Commodore Seaplane base just north of Sausalito and waited for bridge directors to "bend" the rules and amend their traffic code, to allow some form of crossing. Walking across the east pedestrian walk of the bridge with Dandy Cody was the compromise they reached, with the bridge directors voting 8-to-3 in favor. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

This 16mm b&w film negative was scanned in 4K (4096 x 2970) using a Lasergraphics ScanStation film scanner, in September 2023.
16mm b&w negative, with co-magnetic soundtrack